About Me

I am a dedicated explorer with a strong commitment to making a positive global impact. Over the course of three humanitarian missions to Ethiopia, I have had the privilege of witnessing the remarkable resilience of the human spirit and the profound influence that compassion can wield in communities facing adversity.

During my two-year residency in the picturesque surroundings of Hawaii, I had the opportunity to deepen my affinity for nature and gain a profound appreciation for the intricate equilibrium that sustains our planet's ecosystems. My tenure at Marine Dynamics, a trust devoted to great white shark conservation, proved to be a transformative experience where I actively contributed to the preservation of these apex predators in our oceans.

My passion for writing extends to the domains of animal welfare and conservation, where I utilize the power of words to champion the safeguarding of our planet's extraordinary biodiversity. In addition to my writing pursuits, I engage in the art of wildlife photography, capturing the untamed beauty of the natural world and sharing these images with the aspiration of inspiring others to join me in the protection of Earth's invaluable flora and fauna.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I am an avid enthusiast of art, history, and travel, consistently seeking opportunities to explore and immerse myself in these captivating realms.

(2017) Image with the jaws of 'Khalessi', the largest great white shark dissection off the coast of South Africa due to Orca predation.

University of Cincinnati Jounralism

Graduation  date: May 2024

Major: B&A Journalism 

Minor: Environmental Analysis and Policy 

Notable classes: feature writing, travel writing, science and nature writing, editing, photojournalism, journalism research, creative writing & the environment, environmental journalism, environmental policy,  biodiversity law

Internship (June 2023 - September 2023): Cincinnati Animal CARE Humane Society, Writing & Editing Intern

Rescued male serval named 'Prince' at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage in Zimbabwe


Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage (June 2015-July 2015), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - African Wildlife Volunteer

Project Mercy (March 2016, March 2017 and March 2018 ) Yetebon, Ethiopia - Humanitarian Aide Volunteer 

Marine Dynamic & Dyer Island Conservation Trust (March 2017 - September 2017) - Research and Ecotourism Intern
